FIVB: Finally! The FIVB plans to change the formula & will use a FORMULA that will not accommodate cheaters like....YOU KNOW WHO! They are still in the process of proposing a new system so for now they released this statement: FROM THE DESK OF THE FIVB:
"The FIVB is firmly against any form of manipulation, technical or financial. All systems of competition can be improved. If there is a draw, the chance exists. If there is a group, he favors the home team and the strong teams. The round robin system (rally-point) also has its problems because a team can do a favor for another.
The FIVB will consult all the experts to consider proposals and suggestions to improve the formula of the competition. Of course, in doing so, we must be objective and realistic. When looking at new possibilities, the key points of the participation and quality of games. We need to ensure that there is an opportunity for countries to participate. Cameroon is an excellent example in this World Cup. They had the opportunity to participate and prosper.
At the same time, we need to make sure that the quality of the games will not suffer. Finding the right combination and balance is obviously a difficult task. A formula for every World Cup is a possibility."
(Whoever is hosting the 2014 World Champs might need to start thinking of a system to allow the hosting team an easier draw just like what Italy did. Oops! Did we just say Italy?)
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